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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Crazy Schedules!

Having a streamlined meal planning system is so vital when life gets crazy--which for many families is several times a day! Yesterday made the Suzy Homemaker in me do the equivalent of the Olympic Decathlon. I have taken on a new job trying to pay the bills. My trainers, i.e. bosses, were scheduled to arrive at 10 a.m. That means breakfast needed to be prepared and cleaned up in time...not to mention the added touch ups to the house. I promise my house will not stay clean longer than 15 minutes at a time. I digress...

Thankfully, I had individual servings of breakfast casserole in the fridge. That's an easy fix. Check. Then, I had to make sure hubby had some lunch to take. He was helping with my computer training, but needed to leave for work in the middle of it. Okay...the menu plan says taco salad. To my elation, there actually IS taco meat in a baggy in the fridge and the salad greens are living happily in a paper towel lined Tupperware container. One salad to go. Check.

Computer training made me feel like an idiot, but at least my hubby did have lunch to take with him so I looked organized in that respect. Maybe there is hope for the old girl. My son informed me that women over the age of 40 seem unable to learn new things. This is his experience in training cashiers at work. Yes, I wanted to slap him. Yes, a part of me felt it was absolute truth. Great confidence booster going into this new job. After grueling training, which should be the subject of another blog, we move on to homeschool.

That goes well. Nothing like diving into the politics of ancient Rome to make you forget about dinner and computers. Then, alas, I remember that my family really likes to eat, and that I have to take one son to work at 4, then cook dinner and be out of the house for a meeting at 6:30. The meal plan says Lisa's Sweet Sauce. One number ten can of tomato sauce later, wonderful "mama mia" scents are wafting through the house. But what to do with that extra sauce--low carbers can't eat that many tomatoes. Into jars they go to chill. Some will freeze, some will go into the upcoming taco soup and sloppy joes. I sauteed some zucchini to go under the sauce. I couldn't wait until after my meeting because it smelled so good. Got that done and still had time to talk on the phone. No one but my youngest was actually going to be home at dinner time, so he agreed to snack and wait til every one came home to eat. When everyone arrived home, Christian cooked up some pasta and the guys devoured it European style--9 o'clock dinner. Dad had given in and eaten his earlier.

If I hadn't had the meats already cooked, the casserole made, and a plan on the fridge, it would have been another one of those days when our diet relied on MacDonald's and Pizza Hut. So, am I a success? As Suzy Homemaker, yes. As the next computer whiz...well, that jury is still out. Please buy my cookbook so I can cook and give you great recipes instead. What cookbook you say? It is coming soon. Now where is that computer geek hubby of mine?

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