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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tie Dye Easter Cheesecake

Looking for something special to compete with all those chocolate bunnies this Easter? This is it!

This no bake cheesecake is so easy and so cute! The colors of spring in a sugarfree dessert. I came up with this one after seeing a blog talking about tie dye cupcakes. I haven't had too much luck lately with cakes, so the thought of cheesecake entered my mind. Come to find out, Disney makes an almost famous tie dye cheese cake with a red velvet cake base. Well, you can try that one if you want, but I want something failproof. So I went searching for a no bake cheesecake. After all, who wants the oven browning interfering with these beautiful colors?

I found a good recipe on Linda Sue's site. If she liked it, I assumed I would too. Her recipe is here:
I made her recipe, then divided the mixture into 6 bowls. I added about ten drops of food coloring for each one. Then I just plopped the cheesecake mixture into a springform pan. Let it chill a few hours and you have a fantastic dessert that will impress everyone. More than a feast for the eyes, it tastes good too.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful! I've been reading your blog and will subscribe to your newsletter and maybe get your e-ck-book too. I think what you are doing here is absolutely genius. I don't have the patience to create new recipes so I admire and totally respect those of you who do! And the fact that you can earn a little money here is just down right smart. Please keep up the good work!
