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Friday, May 15, 2009

Homemade Greek Style Yogurt

In the May 24/7 Low Carb Diner Newsletter, I included information on how to make your own Greek style yogurt. It is wonderful and much less expensive than the store bought variety. Making your own is easy with just a few simple tools like a thermos or a Styrofoam cooler and a heating pad. Make some; then, just drain the yogurt using a coffee filter, and you get all that thick creaminess Greek yogurt is famous for.

Add in your own choice of low carb ingredients. Plain sweetened vanilla is wonderful. I have also added coffee flavorings to make coconut cream and chocolate raspberry. Don't forget the wonderful taste of real strawberries and blueberries. Mmmm. The best part is that we low carbers can make yogurt with cream. The extra fat makes a huge difference in flavor. I have experimented with different combos of milk, cream and half and half. All are good...and the recipes are flexible. A good Google search will provide you with tons of info on making your own yogurt, so I don't need to duplicate that info here. Go research the method that suits you best. Some people use ovens, crockpots or dedicated yogurt makers. I have had the best luck with the heating pad.

Today, for an after school snack, I made a dessert shot with the homestyle Greek yogurt. The one in the photo is vanilla with the leftover almond flour/flaxmeal crumbles I used in the Cheesecake Dessert Shots. I tried to include my fingers in this photo so you can see the size of the dessert shots. The scale is very difficult to discern in the last couple of photos I have posted. Even the spoons pictured are demitasse spoons. Think smaller than average. Think more fun than average. Think fewer calories than average. Dessert shots make sense for healthy eating for the long term, don't you agree? Don't deprive yourself, but control those portions.

Now I am off to make a burger buffet for my guys. Tonight we are having mini burgers. Kinda goes with the theme for the week. Mini everything. Funny how I never planned that!

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