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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fajita Time

I love onions. Wish they weren't so carby--but then I have read that they may not affect blood sugars as much as would be expected. There is just something about the smell of sizzling onions and peppers. Hope those blood sugars stayed down tonight. We didn't overdo it.

I just make my fajitas with some lime juice and a sprinkle of garlic and onion powder. That goes into a cast iron skillet so it can be really hot. I ate just the chicken and veggies. John had one low carb tortilla. I made a pot of rice for my carby boy, but I am thinking ahead and plan to add the rice to some chicken soup later this week. That will be good when we are frozen in.

We are facing storm warnings--not for much snow, but ICE. Right now I am not sure if I will have classes to teach tomorrow or not. Pretty sure Friday's classes will be canceled. That could be good or that could be bad. The last time we had an ice event of this magnitude, we were without electricity for a week. Brr. This time, it is supposed to get down to the single digit temperatures, though. If you don't see any updates to this blog, you will know we are all huddled around the fireplace. At least hot dogs on the grill are low carb.


  1. That ice can be more dangerous than snow. I hope you don't lose electricity.
    I have a pot of your 24 hour chili going, and it smells great. I should have doubled the recipe... Jim is drooling over it. I don't think I'll have enough to do all the fun ideas on your Chili plan list. But I'll have fun trying, LOL!
    Stay warm,

  2. Onions have a lot of carbs? I had no idea! I feel like as a low-carber you need onions to add flavor and variety to the foods you eat, but I'll have to keep that one in mind...

  3. Eileen,

    A cup of diced onion has 15 carbs, 12 net carbs. I love grilled onions so much I could eat that easily. Unfortunately, that would use up all my carbs allowed for the meal.
    My hubby eats low carb for diabetic reasons, so some studies say eating onions actually lowers blood sugars. I have never gotten him to do the hourly testing to verify how he responds to onions. He tends to have blood sugar fairly regulated anyway with our normal diet, so it is tough to keep him testing often.

  4. Oh! I am inspired, I can practically smell those fajitas already! I just found your blog via a google search of "low-carb bento" and now I am digging through your posts. It all looks wonderful!
