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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Quick Red Pepper Beef

We were out on a shopping trip to Sam's Club today. Nope, I didn't get all my groceries bought yesterday for a Sunday prep day. I was at three different food stores, but still didn't "get 'er done." I will get some prepping done, but some will have to be postponed until later in the week. Gotta stay flexible, right?

While I was there, I found these great red bell peppers--8 for $5. I grabbed up a bag, and they sounded so good, I had to rush home and make something with them. I really wanted to taste the peppers, so I kept it simple. I made a super quick stir fry with ground beef and coleslaw mix, letting the peppers be the star. Isn't it pretty with the red, orange and purple? To season, I just used garlic and some pumps of my Bragg's Liquid Aminos to give it a soy sauce flavor. If you can have soy, that is really good stuff!

I still have about a million things to do, so enjoy what's left of the weekend!

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