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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Salad in a Jar Deluxe -The Balsamic Beef Salad

You know I love having a prep day once a week to make the rest of life easier. That idea is the backbone of the Diner system. Here is another idea I have developed that follows up on the Salad in a Jar technique I already blogged about. I had already added some grape tomatoes to my jars, then it dawned on me that full meal salads might work too. I researched it and found some blogs talking about a similar system--none of them low carb, of course! But how cool is it to put together 4-5 days worth of entree salads in one day?

So even though my kitchen is still not operational, I came up with some combination recipes. I have tried a couple of them, but I know the system works. I will give you one idea here, but the rest of the recipes are in the September newsletter. There are a few guidelines that must be followed if you don't want to eat a soggy mess. Those are in the newsletter too.

Choose a quart size jar. It can be a canning jar, but doesn't have to be. The salads can be vacuum sealed, but if eaten soon enough, just a regular jar will do. Layer the ingredients in the order listed, but you can choose the amount.

The Balsamic Beef Salad
1. Balsamic Vinaigrette--pour a little in the base of the jar
2. Italian Minute Beef (or browned beef with tomatoes and Italian spices, cooled)
3. grape tomatoes
4. mozzarella cheese, 
5. lettuce
6. Pepperoncini (optional) 
7. Italian seasoning blend sprinkled on top.

When lunchtime rolls around just empty the contents of the jar into a big salad bowl and toss. Pouring the dressing in the bottom keeps it away from the lettuce and prevents wilting. Just don't turn the jar on the side when you pack it up.

I have six more recipes for salad in a jar in the newsletter, so if you want more, look in there. It also gives some advice on prepping a work week's worth of salads in one cooking session. That is Diner style for sure!


  1. This is a fabulous idea So clever and easy to "take along " Keep up the great ideas!!

  2. Great idea. I don't eat beef, but I'm sure it would work with chicken!

  3. I have chicken recipes in the newsletter.
