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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Among Friends Thursday - Coconut Flour Doughnut Holes

Today, I am featuring one of my own recipes from the book, Low Carbing Among Friends. I used my recipe for Coconut Flour Doughnuts to make Doughnut Holes. We had our first snow of the season, so I decided these snowballs were perfect to celebrate. It also gave me a chance to use my new cakeball machine. These came out perfectly after baking just five minutes. Today I used caramel syrup and added a half teaspoon of vanilla butter nut flavoring. They taste like little balls of pound cake. Rolling them in powdered ZSweet makes them just sweet enough.

Being that it is wintertime brings me to an unusual experience with this recipe. When I first made it last spring, it was in a nice warm kitchen. I tried lots of variations, so it was a well tested recipe. One of our cookbook fans on the Low Carb Friends Board had a problem with the batter becoming too thick. It only took me one batch to figure out why. At first we thought it might be a difference in coconut flours, but that was not it. It was a colder kitchen! In a cooler environment, the eggs may cool the melted coconut oil too much, making the batter too thick to easily work with. It had never done that to me before, but it did in December. Brr.  It is a really quick fix, though. Either let the eggs come to room temperature before adding to the batter, or heat the thickened batter 20 seconds in the microwave oven to remelt the coconut oil. Working with new ingredients certainly does have its own learning curve in a low carb kitchen! I am adding a note to this recipe in the next edition of Low Carbing Among Friends, but now you know, so make a note of the information in your book please. And if you don't own the book yet, please order it. We are getting great feedback from the public, and have a five star rating at Amazon. Click on the link at the right to order it directly, or look it up at Amazon.

In fact, I have another recipe from the book which is on my menu for tonight. It is such a great collection of recipes, that it is hard for me to choose which to highlight each week. One meal a week from this book is certainly not enough!


  1. This recipe is actually on my list to make for tomorrow. I am going to make it with caramel syrup, too. I am definitely going to have to get a cake pop maker now, I think. Glad to know there's another recipe I can use it for!

  2. Where is this in the book? I have it but cannot find it? what is powdered zsweet?

  3. i have the book too but it's hard to find recipes in there. I will look!

  4. Looking good, Lisa! I love low carb doughnuts. These may need to go in the hopper for my menus next week.

  5. I excited to find you. I am doing a low carb diet!

  6. This is on page 261 of Low Carbing Among Friends. ZSweet is a powdered erythritol/stevia sweetener blend. Any powdered sweetener will work.

  7. Those look sooooooo good, Lisa!

  8. Is it ok if I do not use any Davinci syrup? Can't use any Splenda based syrups.

    Holly IN

  9. 3 Researches PROVE Why Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you literally get rid of fat by consuming coconut fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from big medicinal magazines are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world upside down!
