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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Among Friends Thursday - Maria's Cheeseburger Stuffed Buns

This is fun food! Maria, like I have said on the Low Carbing Among Friends Facebook page, is a substitution genius. She invented this recipe for a nutritional client who loved cheeseburger pockets wrapped in regular bread dough. I remembered my mom trying out the German version of these--Bierocks, which included cabbage too. I remember those being hard to make, trying to get the stretchy, gluteny dough to wrap around the filling. ( and just as tough to get it to stay wrapped) We did love them though, and I could imagine how great they would be as all American cheeseburgers. If Maria could invent it, we could give it a try.

Normally I don't like messing with bread doughs that rely on whipped egg whites. Beyond trying to get the timing right on how long to beat the eggs, there is a texture that just doesn't do it for me. I couldn't imagine any other way to get the wrap around job done for this recipe though. So I took Maria at her word and began to follow her recipe. The dough was easy enough to put together--much like the oh so popular Oopsies from Cleochatra, or the original Revolution Roll from the Atkins books--but with additional whey added for stability and a few other alterations.  Like I said, Maria is a genius. While this is still not my favorite bread replacement, no other bun would work for this application. And these are delicious all put together!

I think I made mine a little too big on the base, because I ran out of fluffy dough before I could cover them all over the top. Still, I think they look even better with some ground beef and cheese peeking through.(I also had to substitute some shredded cheese instead of sliced, but I don't think this made much of a difference) You can pick them up with your hands and chow down. Or, you can plate them over some lettuce and add your favorite burger fixings. I like them best that way. Sure, I had to eat with a fork--small price to pay.

These stuffed buns would be extra quick if you already have your Minute Beef  prepped. Just whip up the dough and bake. One note: I liked these best after I had let them cool off. When they were still hot from the oven, the bun stuck to the roof of my mouth. That did not happen when I ate another a couple hours later. I think cooling enabled them to get rid of a little more moisture. Perhaps letting them cool with an open oven door would be a good idea. Not a big issue, and certainly nothing to spoil the fun of eating these family friendly burgers. I had hoped to freeze them to see if they would hold up to be good lunch box food, but we ate them all. Maybe that it a good sign. I will just have to try it again. If you want to try them they are on page 120 of our Low Carbing Among Friends Cookbook. If you don't have it yet, order it soon. It would be fun if more of you would join me on Among Friends Thursdays and send me photos of recipes you are using from our book, or links to photos from your own blogs.


  1. Since I bought the book I will have to try it but I really don't like the fact that you don't have recipes here so I can pin them to share with others. I understand why.

  2. Sorry, Debby. Check out Maria's original on her site. Her first version is still posted.

  3. Who is Maria and where is her site?

  4. Maria is one of my co-authors in the Low Carbing Among Friends cookbook. She is a nutrition expert and has several great books of her own. Her site is Maria's Nutritious and Delicious Journal.

  5. These look so yummy and easy! Thanks for sharing. You have a lovely blog and I'm glad to have found you!

  6. I plan to copy the pictures to add to the book, which arrived in the mail today! YIPPEE! I'm so excited! I love it when you post the page number, it's sweet!

  7. I made these for lunch abn they were really good. However, I had trouble folding in the cream cheese. I think it broke the egg whites down a bit and I only got 6 small buns out of the recipe. Any suggestions on incorporating the cream cheese into the mixture?

  8. Maria's recipe is meant to serve 6 buns, so maybe you didn't do too bad. It is difficult to keep the whites inflated. I usually add a pinch of xanthan gum sprinkled over the whites. That is supposed to help keep them stronger. Just be sure to whip the whites really really well and make sure the cream cheese is very soft, not hot but definitely not cool. Then, don't ever fold a few small globs of cream cheese won't hurt.

  9. What do you mean by "Then, don't ever fold a few small globs of cream cheese won't hurt"? Are you saying that it's OK to fold in a few small globs at a time or it's not OK?

  10. I am not sure what I was actually typing there. Sometimes auto correct gets me using my kindle. I meant, having a few smaller clumps wont hurt, just fold carefully, don't over stir, trying to incorporate the cream cheese.

  11. I have the low carbin among friends book and am signed up for the second - can't wait. Love your site as well as Maria's and others who are in the cookbook.

    I used this receipe to make my Kraut bierocks. Not bad. I did have trouble like you did with not enough to cover top. I will make these again and again.
