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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Among Friends Thursday--My Oven Baked Rolled Omelet

I am featuring my own recipe today. I know I have blogged about this one before, but it is so good, and I think it doesn't get the attention it deserves. This is a really easy and fun breakfast for 4-6 people. Today, I scaled down my recipe a bit and just used 6 eggs. That way it could be baked in a standard oblong casserole dish rather than my jelly roll pan. Today, I used all red bell pepper and omitted the onion. It is that kind of recipe--easy to customize.

To drop it down to 4 servings, use 6 eggs, 3 tsp coconut flour, and cut the cream and water to a combined 3/4 cup. I just added both to the measuring cup to save effort. One more tip--I like to roll the omelet, then let it sit with the parchment paper still holding it together for about 5 minutes to cool. That sets the shape so it holds together beautifully.

You can make these spiral slices to wrap and freeze as well. This really is a very versatile recipe. Add in any meats and veggies you choose. Spinach would be great, mushrooms, asparagus, whatever you like in an omelet. Instructions are on page 231 of Low Carbing Among Friends. Be sure to purchase the book if you haven't already. Click the photo of the cover to go to the ordering site. You need to get cooking before the next edition comes out!


  1. where's the recipe? oh, you want to buy something. Not cool in a blog.

  2. Sorry you are offended by my promotion of our cookbook. Do you work for free?

  3. You specifically state: "I am featuring my own recipe today." But there's no recipe given.

  4. Among Friends is a compilation of five cookbook authors. I have featured a recipe from the book every Thursday since it was released. That gives readers a chance to see photographs of the recipes and to get additional info not featured in the book. Most feature a recipe from one of the other authors. If I have something to add about one of mine, I have featured it. I do clearly state how to order the book to get the full recipe. We are under contract to remove recipes from our blogs that were included in Volume 1. (all but a few for promotion) If every recipe was available online, why would anyone purchase the book?
    It is a great book and really worth the purchase. We authors have gone to a great deal of effort to create the best recipes possible, to test them, run nutritional stats and photograph them. What is surprising to me is how many we offer at no cost at all. If it is not worth it to you, that is your decision. If you follow my blog, you understand what 'Among Friends' Thursday is--the day to promote that cookbook project. There are plenty of other posts with free recipes, which is more than generous, I think.
