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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Prefer Coffee or Tea? Yes.

 First things first. Is that the most awesome cup? When I saw it at Goodwill, it made me smile. No, I don't pour Bailey's Irish Cream in my coffee like it promotes, but I do have another trick. Maybe that is why my cup is winking.

I must admit.  I prefer coffee to tea. Not that I don't like tea--I do. It is just that when I have all these choices, I find myself going to coffee more often. Some nutritionists are fine with coffee, and some aren't. I know I am not giving up my java, so I put my hands over my ears and sing la la la when they discuss coffee. Green tea however. Have you ever heard anyone NOT approve of green tea?

I have tried to fall in love with it. It is doable, but not what I run to. My mom heard about this fusion idea. She saw it on TV--maybe Dr, Oz, I dunno. She told me to try it since I seem to get in much more coffee than tea. It is a fusion of the two. Cool idea. I guess the overpowering little coffee beans can coexist with their brothers, the leaves.

The idea is, you get all the health benefits of drinking green tea, with the flavor of the coffee. Now, the ratio of tea to coffee is up to you. In my experimenting, I have found that one tea bag to one cup of joe was just too much tea for this girl. It tasted "weird." I can do one tea bag to two cups of coffee, but that is still a little strong. What I have settled on is one or two tea bags directly in the basket with my coffee grounds. We usually make 8 cups. Sure, the benefits are diluted, but then, it is better than none at all. Sorry Keurig users, I don't know how you could do this...

I drink my coffee with half and half and stevia. With those additional flavors, I don't notice the tea at all. Even if I choose to make a stronger tea infusion, the taste is unique, not bad. Try it for yourself. It may not be a miracle cure, but every little bit helps.


  1. I love love coffee!! And I love that cup super jealous! I am sad cause I am trying to not drink as mich caffeine anymore cause I'm trying to get prego and you shouldn't have too much caffeine when you do get prego. It's so so hard cause I love it! Especially this time of year love pumpkin lattes!

  2. What an adorable mug!
    Coffee? Try to take away my morning cup and you'd end up with a stub, LOL!

    But I solved the dilemma... I always totally enjoy my morning coffee. Then, most of the year, I make a half gallon of green tea (sometimes the flavored green teas from Republic of Tea) and drink it throughout the day as iced tea. In the evening, I usually end with my ritual cup of hot tea. For some reason, that signals to me to "wind down", and I love it.

    And I want a mug like that!! :-D

  3. My boys despise the cup. It bothers them. I think it is so cute I have it on a shelf by our table. Gotta take my stand! Loretta, I will not take away your morning coffee for sure. Ashlee--best wishes for your pregnancy. Sounds like you are getting off to the best start. I loved being pregnant. Most wonderful memories of those days!

  4. I don't think I could handle anything in my coffee, ha ha,just love my very strong coffee nice and black in the morning, but I love that cup Lisa! I want one! I have a feeling my boys would hate it too. But that's ok... I'd have it all to myself then. ;)
