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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Brunch Yogurt Parfait Bar

We are planning a Christmas Brunch for the family this year. Among the  breakfast casseroles, gingerbread waffles, candied bacon and other goodies will be this treat. Mini Yogurt Parfaits. Forget the yogurt cups. It is so much more special to be able to build a multi-flavored parfait with delicious nut crumble granola between the layers. Because we will have lots of foods to choose from, I will provide various sizes of small glasses so we can choose the size of our individual parfaits. From the smallest shot glasses to the standard juice glass, this will work great for all appetites and is really cute too. You can layer three different flavors of yogurt with a delicious nut mixture in between, or you can go with one favorite flavor.

I often make individual yogurts flavored with my own flavorings, but using a large tub of unflavored yogurt. That way, I can control the sweetener and additives. I have several favorites of Capella flavorings, but you can use all sorts of things for flavoring. Besides the ones I will give the recipes for, don't forget about coffee flavorings, syrups, fruit and even nut butters.For my holiday buffet, I am choosing to place my yogurts in a decorative ceramic muffin pan. Serving bowls of any kind will do; I just like to look festive when possible.

 To make 6 flavors, I used one 32 ounce container of Brown Cow yogurt, plain and unsweetened. The sweetener I have been trying out lately is one mentioned in our new Among Friends books--Natural Mates Stevia and Erythritol blend. It is very concentrated. One tiny scoop is equal to 2 tsp sugar or one packet substitute. No maltodextrin to bulk it up though. I like to blend stevia and erythritol--I prefer the taste over either sweetener alone. This is an easy way to do it. The powder dissolves really easily and is 100x sweeter than sugar. Some people have a problem with stevia tasting bitter. I am not especially sensitive to that, but if you are, you might choose the sucralose and erythritol blend instead. The stevia blend has no GMO ingredients, no calories and no artificial sweeteners. You might want to try it. It is on Amazon here. In these recipes, I am saying how much sweetener I used. You may need less or you may need more. I suggest adding a little less and adding sweetener until you arrive at your personal flavor zone. Every taste is different, and I am one who loves dark, dark chocolate, so I am cautious when it comes to recommending the right amount of sweetener. The same goes with the Capella drops. Add a drop or two less then add and taste until it is best for you.

Italian Eggnog Yogurt

3/4 cup plain yogurt
14 drops Capella Italian Eggnog flavoring
2 drops Capella Butter flavoring
3-4 scoops Natural Mate Stevia and Erythritol Blend or any sweetener equal to 6-8 tsp sugar

Blend all ingredients together.

Red Velvet Cheesecake Yogurt

3/4 cup plain yogurt
1/4 tsp LorAnn Red Velvet Emulsion
8 drops Capella New York Cheesecake flavoring
3-4 scoops Natural Mate Stevia and Erythritol Blend or any sweetener equal to 6-8 tsp sugar

Blend all ingredients together.

Maple Bacon Yogurt

3/4 cup plain yogurt
2 drops Capella Sizzlin Bacon flavoring
1/4 tsp maple flavoring
3-4 scoops Natural Mate Stevia and Erythritol Blend or any sweetener equal to 6-8 tsp sugar

Blend all ingredients together.

Cinnamon Danish Swirl Yogurt

3/4 cup plain yogurt
12 drops Capella Cinnamon Danish Swirl flavoring
3-4 scoops Natural Mate Stevia and Erythritol Blend or any sweetener equal to 6-8 tsp sugar
ground cinnamon

Blend all ingredients together. Garnish with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon

Amaretto Yogurt

3/4 cup plain yogurt
2 Flavor Creations Almond Amaretto coffee flavoring tablets
1/4 tsp almond extract
3-4 scoops Natural Mate Stevia and Erythritol Blend or any sweetener equal to 6-8 tsp sugar

Blend all ingredients together. 

Very Very Vanilla Yogurt

3/4 cup plain yogurt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3-4 scoops Natural Mate Stevia and Erythritol Blend or any sweetener equal to 6-8 tsp sugar

Blend all ingredients together. 

The Nut Layer

3 tbsp butter
1/4 cup sliced blanched almonds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts
1/4 cup almond meal
2 scoops Natural Mate Stevia and Erythritol Blend or any sweetener equal to 4 tsp

In a small skillet, melt butter. Add all the nuts and nut meal. Stir continuously for about 5 minutes or until lightly browned. Sprinkle in sweetener and mix well. Let cool.

To build the parfaits, simply layer the nut mixture between layers of flavored yogurt.

Make these up on Christmas Eve, and pull them out for an almost instant breakfast while everyone checks the stockings or opens packages--whatever your tradition. Enough to tide you over til the big meal, or a compliment to a meat and egg casserole. Of course, you don't have to save this idea just for holiday brunches. I like to make lots of flavors from one container of yogurt and pack them in small containers for quick breakfasts or something sweet in my lunchbag.  Do what fits you!

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