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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thanksgiving Sides Round-Up

Thanksgiving is almost here. The biggest food holiday of the year---at least for Americans. Some may choose to throw the eating plan out the window for the day, but you certainly don't have to! Low carbing is easy! Maybe not as easy as ordering the complete holiday meal package from the deli or restaurant, but cooking it yourself says "love" don't ya think? (unless you are one of those grumpy cooks, then by all means take it easy as you can)

I am fortunate enough to be friends with some wonderful and talented cooks at Low Carbing Among Friends. I don't think any of them are grumpy cooks either. George and DJ are professionals chefs, so they certainly love to cook. I would venture to assume that the rest of us get our giggles by creating new recipes, so we must love it to. Why else would we do this?

The main dish is pretty straight forward. Turkey and ham recipes abound. But the sides. Well, those might get ya. That is why this Round-Up is all about side dishes. These would grace any table with style and flavor. Low carb or not! Check out our blogs and websites for even more ideas. And of course, we have tons of recipes at our Facebook Pages.


Order our book series! Here. We have a sale going on now. Be sure to own every volume before the holiday season is over! Now on to some of my favorites! It really hard to choose!

From Peggy at Buttoni's Low Carb Recipes

from DJ

From 24/7 Low Carb Diner

From Jennifer at Splendid Low Carbing

From George Stella at Food

From Stacey at Beauty and the Foodie

From Jennifer at Splendid Low Carbing

24/7 Low Carb Diner

from DJ

From Ginny at Ginny's Low Carb Kitchen

From Peggy at Buttoni's Low Carb Recipes

I am packing up some supplies and traveling over to Arkansas to have a wonderful holiday with my oldest son and his sweet little wife. She is new to a glutenfree low sugar life and we are having a wonderful time sharing recipes and ideas. We are going to tackle the meal together! I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Thanks fro including two of mine, Lisa! :)
