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Friday, July 2, 2010

Patriotic Muffins

I made coconut flour mini muffins this morning with a patriotic twist. These are filled with blueberries and strawberries. I just used the recipe from the e-book for Citrus-c Muffins, but ommitted the juices. Instead, I added a handful of berries. Whole fresh blueberries and chopped strawberries. The photo doesn't do them justice. They are pretty, especially with my junk store find retro coffee cup. I spray painted the base of the cup last night. When I purchased it, the color was avocado green. As much as I love retro, I just don't care for that color. I love the design, and love the red.

These are dense muffins-as most coconut flour breads are. I prefer mini muffins for these recipes. A little coconut is quite filling.


  1. Lisa, do things made with coconut flour freeze pretty well, at least for a couple months? Thank you!

  2. I think they do--I seldom freeze them though, as we usually just eat them up.
