As you may know, I have gone from a family with three hungry boys and a diabetic dad to an empty nester. Of course, the hubby still needs good low carb choices, but my Diner system has changed considerably since my last son moved out a little over a month ago. Because of that life transition, I updated my prep system and planning system for couples. It is great for singles and young families also--you know, the ones where the kids eat so little or have their own foods? So now, no one ever need to stand with an open refrigerator door wondering what to eat.
To be healthy we need quality food. Even though I am just feeding two now, I still really need a plan in place. Bet you do too. If we don't have the right foods in the house we will end up eating poorly. Granted, you may not even keep carby foods around to tempt you, but good meals don't assemble themselves! Ever had a recipe in mind only to find you were missing a key ingredient? Maybe you forgot to thaw the meat. Sometimes you can't even figure out what to make. With the Diner system in place, those problems will never happen.
A Table for Two replaces the large quantity cooking of my Classic Diner e-book, and replaces it with
smart cooking for smaller meals. It will teach you efficiency in the kitchen and will keep you from running for take out or eating things that you know are not healthy. Many of the key planning concepts are the same as in the original book, as they have withstood the test of time.
In addition,
you get peace of mind with one less thing to stress over. Mealtime will be pleasant and food is quick. Some menu planners just cover dinner. My new e-book will help you plan
all your meals. In my early working years, I can honestly remember times when I took a can of tuna and crackers to work for lunch. That is running-out-the-door-late style lunch packing. Yuck! I usually ended up not eating rather than run everyone off with the smell. Or I would eat the popcorn and cocoa my office supplied for employees and guests. Yep, that was good nutrition! Sound familiar to any of you? Planning will make all the difference. Once I began the Diner system, I had other teachers check out my lunches to see what I had brought. (It most always looked better than theirs.) When the boys were little, I shutter to think how many times we ran out for fast food because I failed to have dinner ready when the crying time began. (no judgment here) Imagine not worrying all afternoon about that evening meal, or setting the alarm early to cook breakfast. Food no longer consumes so many waking hours!
When you work the Diner System,
you will have more time to enjoy life. Now, I love to cook--except when I have to. Does that make sense? I love to be creative in the kitchen. I don't always love getting everyday meals on the table. My e-books teach how to take advantage of freezer meals. Sometimes the entire entree just needs to be heated up. With other meals, the key ingredient is already cooked, just waiting for you to add fresh ingredients. What a time saver that is! Just a little time on the weekend to prep, and you will save many hours later in the week. Salads and snacks prepped. Muffins baked. Meals will be fast and clean up will be minimal.
Either e-book will
save you money too. No more overbuying at the grocery store. Very little produce wasted and growing a science project in the back of the crisper. When you know what you are going to eat each week, you only buy what you will use. It is so simple, I honestly don't know why more people don't plan. With my book, you can build your menu and prep day around the items that are on sale that week and save even more money. Because you have freezer meals to rely on, that means you won't be eating chicken all week because that was the sale. But go ahead and stock up because that chicken will be prepped and waiting in the freezer for meals weeks from now. It is just so smart.
The Diner system is customizable. Choose your own meals, your own prep day, shopping day and menu. I have suggestions and tools, but you are in control. When I was younger, I was always trying a new diet plan. What I could never do is correctly follow a pre-written menu. Maybe I am just a maverick at heart, but someone else planning every bite that went into my mouth was a recipe for failure. With
A Table for Two, you are still making the choices. You can even switch meals around during the week. Make the system yours without the guilt. Eat what you like. Of course, I have over 100 recipes in the e-book. You may use those or substitute your favorite low carb recipes. Even more, with the PDF format, you can easily print only the pages you want. You can make your own customized recipe book with your favorites.Or don't print at all. Take your ebook into the kitchen with you. Plus, you choose your favorite sweeteners and oils, choose organic produce and grass fed meats or buy what you can afford.
Not a planner? Like I just said,
I have over 100 recipes in the new book. That alone is worth the price. Even if you refuse to ever make a weekly menu, you will benefit from learning how to get three different meals from one basic protein. You will appreciate making one recipe that you can eat once and freeze the rest for another day. It is simply going to make life easier even if you don't follow the whole system. And these recipes are our favorites from over 7 years as low carbers. Some are scaled down versions from the Classic Diner e-book, and many are new creations.
What is different? It is hard to find recipes that make smaller portions. I have done those conversions for you. I happen to adore leftovers, but not everyone does. I get that. Of course, some recipes will still be larger because you are learning investment cooking. I even have learned to adapt crockpot recipes using smaller slow cookers. The rest is very similar to the original system because it works! You will learn how to plan meals, stock a freezer, and be much more efficient in the kitchen, all smaller family style.

One more plea. This blog has always been a companion to the Classic 24/7 Low Carb Diner e-book. It follows our family's life--the ups and downs. I am not a professional cook or author, not even a foodie, just a real person. I don't have time for complicated recipes or fancy preparation. I chose the Diner theme because it is real food for real families, available around the clock. That has not changed. I am now chasing my vision as a full time teacher and administrator for my alternative school, Element. The Diner system has kept my family going though the long hours of launching a school. With no outside funding, I have used everything I earn from these books, my newsletter and the Low Carbing Among Friends series of cookbooks in efforts to keep our program going. I don't draw any salary at the school, and personally scholarship many of the students. You have made that possible. By purchasing my books for just $10, you directly impact the lives of teens who do not thrive in a traditional classroom setting. I have witnessed amazing changes in some of these kids, and I will do everything in my power to keep the school going. We still have great needs to keep our building and to pay for individual tutors for the upcoming year. By purchasing this new book, you can help our mission. The system works for me. It keeps me sane and my family healthy. I think it will work for you too...and you can support a worthy cause.
To order:
A Table for Two: A Meal Planning System and Recipes for Couples and Singles
Living the Low Carb Life
visit the 24/7 Low Carb Diner
website .
Of course, you can also find samples of my recipes here on the blog and at
Low Carbing Among Friends Facebook page.
Proceeds from those sales also benefit Element.
Like the
page and be sure to order our team's cookbooks at my link.