I love having lots of little mini quiches around to pack in quick lunches. This was my lunch at school today. Three of my favorite silicon cups baked with some super yummy Cheezeburger Quiche. THAT recipe is in the e-book. I think they really do taste better than real cheeseburgers because they are all the good stuff. One change, now I use Wright's liquid smoke in mine.
In addition to my little quiche cups, I had some sliced red bell pepper. I also tried the jicama slices coated with lemon juice then sprinkled with an orange and chili pepper blend. They look like seasoned fries, but didn't taste much like them. They weren't bad, just not a fav for me. Could have been because I used lemon rather than lime. I found the lime juice upside down empty in the door of the fridge. I guess now I also have some dried juice to clean in the shelf, but I refused to look. There are simply too many other projects this weekend! I also packed some strawberries. They are gorgeous this time of year, and cheap too. A single peanut cheesecake dib was my dessert.
Lunch is way more fun when you eat bento style. Not only is it pretty, but I tend to pack far more variety in there.
Busy weekend here. It is prom weekend, and I am coordinating a formal dinner for 17 teenagers. Then I get to be a chaperone. That will be fun. I have never been to a prom before. At least I am getting that in before I hit 50. I am so glad I have such wonderful kids who don't mind sharing this special event with their parents.
Lisa I just love your blog. It is enduringly cheerful and I smile each time I see your bright polka dots and yummy recipes.
I also downloaded your book and cooking system. Schmarty McSchmartipants girl!
We don't have a bento box here...only Big Red. Big Red would be mighty p.o.'d if we brought bento home to live with us. Big Red is my sweety, Denny's, Thermal Lunchbox I pack each day with a blue ice and tasty LC treats. Much cheaper than eating out and worlds better for him!!!
You don't have to have a bento box per se. I even use old pencil boxes with silicon baking cups for dividers. My younget son eats from them, but it is not enough food for my bigger guys. Doesn't matter, since the quiches are sturdy enough for any type of lunch container.
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