I know, I know, real Philadelphians will protest loudly, but this is good anyway. Chicken breasts are more within my budget than steaks, so we improvise a bit. For those of you who don't yet know--"Chicken a la George" at our house, means a breast cooked on a George Foreman grill. No thawing, not much work--the stuff of everyday lunches. Even a good work lunch if you happen to have access to a grill at the office. My hubby does, and appreciates something hot from the grill now and then. This is a simple grilled breast, topped with Philadelphia cream cheese and grilled peppers/onions. The cheese gets all gooey and creamy. I'll bet the smell of the peppers grilling with the chicken makes everyone else hungry at the office...
This was our lunch today. The chicken we got was monstrous! It must have looked like a turkey. My hubby came home from the grocery with two three pound bags of chicken last week. I wanted them to make into dump recipes. Unfortunately, these were the biggest pieces of chicken breast I had ever seen. One bag had only three breasts in it. Not wanting to thaw and refreeze, and not having one of those incredible Ginsu knives to cut frozen meat, I opted for one dump meal and to use the rest as E.Z. Fix George recipes. The meat certainly won't go as far, but we should be full. One of these days, I hope to be able to buy free range chicken, but for now, we buy the cheaper grocery store birds. I guess the variation in size, and amount of rib meat and added fluid is to be expected. With the cream cheese and peppers, even the Incredible Hulk bird tasted good.
This just may be the bird we ate for lunch today...can't be too sure!

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