I was home enjoying the cool fall air this afternoon, and baking a spaghetti squash in the oven. I made a quick batch of Lisa's Sweet Sauce, using sausage rather than the usual ground beef. Since there are only three of us, I halved the recipe. Nice easy supper--once you know how to prep a spaghetti squash. I just bake mine whole, then cut it after it is soft. Much easier than trying to cut a tough, whole squash. If you want the recipe, it is in the e-book in the Freezer Favorites section.
Since that was so easy, I experimented with the marshmallows for the smores. Those did not turn out so well. I think I beat my egg whites too much. I ended up with a gloppy mess. The taste is okay, but the appearance was awful. I then tried to see what heating would do. It did take away the roughness, but I ended up with a line of gelatin at the bottom of the pan. I will run to the store for some more ingredients and give these another go. When at first you don't succeed...
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