I left home early today, with instructions to the guys on what to eat today. I left a package of thawing Good to Grill Steak Dump for dinner. John will be working overtime this fall as a sports producer. That means he will be working during tons of football games. Good bye to Saturday night church. So long to dinner together as a family afterward. But, hello overtime! I am blessed to be married to a hard working man.
For this meal, I gave him the option of grilling out the whole package at home before he left, or taking raw meat from this dump recipe to work with him and grilling it on the Foreman grill they keep at the radio station. Judging by the uncooked meat left in the kitchen, I'd say he's grilling at work.
That left dinner for Christian and me. I never use the grill outside, so I chose to try something new. In this particular dump, I had used the steak medallions we buy at the monthly dock sale. They are cut like mini steaks already. Although I usually discard the marinade, this time I chose to keep it and slow cook the medallions in a covered skillet. I even cut them a little smaller. To that skillet I added a few handfuls of frozen green beans. Now that it is done, I have to say I love it this way! The beans picked up the flavor of the vinegar and Worcestershire marinade. They are really good...very similar to German green beans. It was all too easy. For my carby boy, I just added some leftover rice and a slice of garlic toast. Yum. Dump meals are so easy, you gotta love 'em.
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